Hotel Antunović a Zagreb

CroaziaHotel Antunović


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100, Zagrebačka avenija, 10000, Zagreb, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 1 2041 200
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Latitude: 45.79737, Longitude: 15.899151

commenti 5

  • en

    Christina Gassner


    Awesome Hotel! Super Clean, large rooms and very nice wellness offers. Breakfast was unbelievably great! Even had an extra talk with Ljilja Antunovic, the daughter of the owner, who took time for us. Such a nice person, absolutely happy with my stay.

  • Dominik Haller

    Dominik Haller


    Sehr schöne zimmer

  • en

    Davor Ivanuš


    Spent a spa weekend at the hotel. Rooms are nice, all the staff was very helpful and polite, spa and wellness facilities were great. Really the only problem I had was that the AC was set to a bit too warm, but nothing too bad. I like the fact that there are two restaurant at the hotel, one offering a more expensive gourmet menu and top notch service, while the the other offers cheaper more common but still high quality food on a self service basis. One may really choose how much he is willing to spend and which level of service he wants and depending on the choice may spend either 8 or 40 EUR for a meal. There are also different other services, some of them costing quite a lot, but guest never has a feeling he is being tricked into those. There is always a clear price tag and a clear way of opting in or out.

  • en

    Ernesto Nadj


    Very nice hotel with a good location and comfortable rooms. It has a great view from the rooms on upper floors, and even better view from the roof where is also small pool, spa etc... I donr know Zagreb well, but I heard it is the best spa in town. There are also big conference rooms and also a casino in basement

  • en

    Petra Ciprijan


    Haven't used the hotel other than for business conferences, but we've been to the spa several times and I find it the best in the city. It's clean, it's spacious enough so that you can avoid other users with no problem (if there even are any), there are plenty of refreshments and the staff is professional. Their massages are excellent, they have strong hands and pay attention to your problem areas. I will keep coming back and recommending them to friends.

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