Vivas Bar a Zagreb

CroaziaVivas Bar



🕗 orari di apertura

25, Ljubljanica, 10000, Zagreb, HR Kroatien
contatti telefono: +385 98 754 813
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.7966931, Longitude: 15.9342045

commenti 5

  • Damir Petrovic

    Damir Petrovic


    A monotonous offer, since this is a coffee chain, and they have an exclusive contract with beer producer. It is not bad that it is here, since it ramps up competition in regards to interior design of the cafe on the other side of the street, which now offers a huge list of craft beers. A thing that bothers me about Vivas chain is that they all look similar and are to blend, like their offerings. They should allow each manager to put like 10 items on the price list if they feel it might go well with customers, depending on the location. And prices should be different, and they should offer lower prices for coffee depending on the time of the day (for this location, they are too expensive).

  • Fede B

    Fede B


    We had a wonderful coffe with cream, here espresso with cream comes medium size very good compared with the price that in a way is every year more like in Italy.

  • hr

    Anamarija Vrdoljak


    Savrsena kava i jako simpaticno osoblje

  • Željka Marić

    Željka Marić


    Odlično. Konobari brzi i uslužni.

  • Vladimir Krpan

    Vladimir Krpan


    Sve ok

Caffè più vicina

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