Hotel Kazbek -

HorvátországHotel Kazbek



🕗 Nyitva tartás

25, Lapadska obala, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Kroatien
érintkezés telefon: +385 20 362 999
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 42.6578719, Longitude: 18.0801847

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    christopher crook


    Highly recommend this understated hotel.

  • en

    shirley smith


    The staff were wonderful, the food was excellent. One of the best hotels we have ever stayed in.

  • Gabriela Marquez Haro

    Gabriela Marquez Haro


    We stayed in the hotel for a few nights and it was great. The hotel is really nice, the place was super clean, the staff was really friendly and helpful. The restaurant was also really good. We visited Dubrovnik for my birthday and the staff found out about it, so I received a box of chocolates, which was a really nice detail to add to my holidays!

  • en

    Anders Perborg


    Just spent a week at the beautiful Hotel Kazbek. I usually don't spend time rating the hotels we stay at but this was an exceptional experience. One of the few times we have experienced true 5star service in Europe. From the first day we arrived the staff knew our names and went out of their way to support us. The breakfast is just fantastic, no menu needed, we just ordered what we felt like and the kitchen staff made it and also remembered it to the next day and next day. Pool is secluded and it feels like your own...only one day out of six were there other people in the pool...(kids had a blast!)...very private. One of the days, we asked the reception to book a speedboat and the two skippers picked us up with the boat literally outside the hotel and the reception staff was waiting for us with new towels and water to bring for the trip. We had lunch at Bowa one day at one of the islands (this is also an absolute must). Family of 5 from London.

  • de

    Peter Embacher


    Wir waren ohne Vorreservierung beim Hotel Katzbek. Leider war es ausgebucht. Die Dame an der Rezeption hat sich trotzdem sehr bemüht uns anderweitig zu helfen. Das nennt man Service ernst nehmen. Das habe ich woanders schon ganz anders erlebt . Deshalb 5 Sterne

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