Berkeley Hotel & Spa -

HorvátországBerkeley Hotel & Spa



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116, Ulica Andrije Hebranga, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Chorwacja
érintkezés telefon: +385 20 494 160
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 42.658621, Longitude: 18.0885844

hozzászólások 5

  • Wojciech Słowacki

    Wojciech Słowacki


    Very nice air conditioned room with the view as in the attatchment. Good breakfast and coffee, nice staff and a pool that was a life saver in high temperatures. The airport bus stops within a short walk distance and so do city and suburban buses. Few good restaurants, shops, banks nearby and the port is just down the stairs. Trip to the old town is just a 5 minutes bus ride. Definitely would reccomend! Me and my wife had a great time here during our honeymoon.

  • en

    Flannel Sweater


    This hotel is close to the bus stop but not close to the old town. If you get the opportunity to meet Anela then you're in for a treat. Super pleasant and helpful.

  • Alistair McQuat

    Alistair McQuat


    Beautiful hotel, around a 10minute bus journey into the old town and only a few minutes walk to the bus stop and port gruz for a ferry to the islands. Rooms are spacious and clean. If recommend the Superior room with a sea view just for the sunset! Breakfast is good and plentiful. Staff are super friendly and more than willing to help. Although there are plenty of places to eat nearby of in the old town, I do feel that the hotel is missing a trick by not serving evening meals. I'll definitely be staying here again when I return.

  • en

    Rolando Tagami


    Never have I stayed in a place where staff were so lovely we felt to buy them a leaving a gift.... From check in to breakfast staff were exceptional. Got plenty of local info from the lady who had served us breakfast every morning. She was great and by day 2 knew how you liked your coffee. And booking a massage and facial was a great way to relax after all the walking up and down hills. I think its the staff that makes this place great. Hotel wise more on the simpler side but comfortable and clean.

  • ja



    スタッフの方がとても親切でした。旧市街まで行くバスが近くにあり、不便ではありません。 朝食のブッフェは、フルーツとヨーグルト、ハムチーズなどあり、卵料理と温かい飲み物を作ってくれます。 エアコン完備。アメニティはシャワーキャップのみです。全身に使える石鹸はあります。タオルもフカフカでした。深夜、早朝のスタッフもみなさん親切でよかったです。

legközelebbi Szállás

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