Hotel As a Split

CroaziaHotel As



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Kopilica ulica, 21000, Split, Općina Split, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 21 366 100
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 43.523764, Longitude: 16.4516428

commenti 5

  • Ivan Petak

    Ivan Petak


    Nice place, great staff!

  • en

    Riona Moroney


    Friendly helpful staff, nice breakfast and clean rooms. Split is 25 minute walk at all brisk pace but this is a good base out of the busy split. Uber taxi is very cheap.

  • en

    Gernot Neuper


    The Internet is working very slow and it was very loud. You will hear everthing from the neighbour

  • en

    nikola ns


    Location out of center (10 min by car) and in industrial zone - but not an issue... very nice and professional staff, prices in the bar below are reasonable. Breakfast is above everage, not a big choice + scrambled eggs were cold everyday. Only minus was that 1 night I had a very noisy guys drinking in front of my room - I had no way to inform the reception, bit they were aware of it as it's 10 m from them = no reaction from reception. No elevator in the hotel with 2 floors.

  • en

    Lorelai L


    It's 1 am and I can't sleep from loud ventilation of the bathroom that goes on as you switch on the light but keeps going for hours after you tourn it off. It's really loud. The room is not clean, bathroom eather. The sheets on the bed are too short, the bed is so narrow that you might fall of if you tourn around. There are no power outlets near the bed so you can't charge your phone that is also your allarm in the morning and you would like it to be near you and not in the hallway when it goes of.

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