Hotel Vestibul Palace a Split

CroaziaHotel Vestibul Palace


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🕗 orari di apertura

4, Ulica Iza Vestibula, 21000, Split, Općina Split, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 21 329 329
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Latitude: 43.507902, Longitude: 16.439822

commenti 5

  • Heidi Brown

    Heidi Brown


    Very quaint boutique hotel in the middle of the Palace. Great location, great breakfast, and very helpful service. The combination of modern, technological amenities and original stone walls of the Palace is so unique and very cool looking. I had the privilege of staying in their largest room (Room 3). Other rooms can be quite small for two people if you are American and used to a "standard" sized hotel room. Because I saw how small their other rooms are is the only reason this is 4 stars and not 5. My personal experience was 5 stars.

  • LJ Cruickshank

    LJ Cruickshank


    Great place. Exceeded my expectations. Staff wonderful and friendly.

  • en

    Alyssa Long


    Stayed in the annex - Villa Dobric. It was clean, spacious, and close to everything. Staff was extremely accommodating and hospitable - greeted me by my name at breakfast every morning.

  • Kristina Morris

    Kristina Morris


    A lovely boutique hotel with excellent service. Conveniently located within Diocletian's Palace, yet surprisingly quiet at night. Welcomed with local chocolates and bottled water. Ample breakfast selections were included and the staff was very accommodating and ensured that we had transport to the airport, offered to take our bags to the taxi stand at 5am, packed us to go meals for travel, and made us espresso before departing. Would highly recommend.

  • en

    Leo Mittag


    Very clean, spacious and perfectly located. Breakfast was merely average though; and service there was very slow.

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