Tchaikovsky Hostel a Split

CroaziaTchaikovsky Hostel


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🕗 orari di apertura

4, Ulica Petra Iliča Čajkovskog, 21000, Split, Općina Split, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 21 317 124
sito web:
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Latitude: 43.5119847, Longitude: 16.4370194

commenti 5

  • hannah barry

    hannah barry


    These guys are absolute sweethearts, didn’t even stay at their hostel and they let me use their phone and bathroom. Everything looked and smelt good. The staff were so friendly and I would honestly spend Christmas their with my granny it’s so welcoming.

  • en

    Нина Неворотова


    +++ 1. Perfect location - calm and safe place, all places you need close by foot 2. Excellent staff 3. Cleaning every day 4. Comfy beds with curtains 5. You will be provided with towel for shower and beach towel - - - 1. You need to save water 2. Too small kitchen and one small electric cooker

  • Eric Scott

    Eric Scott


    Friendly staff who were quick to invite us along for events in the city. Rooms were clean, comfortable and had a large locker for bags. Great location from the beaches and Old town.

  • Jacob Rochon

    Jacob Rochon


    The most welcoming staff and easily the best hostel I've stayed in. The rooms are spacious, the curtains for the bunks are groundbreaking, and the sustainability efforts for water and energy conservation are such amazing touches!! Fantastic recommendations from the entire staff and a perfect location just next to the crazy old city streets. You are home when you come here.

  • Harald Percec

    Harald Percec


    Probably the best hostel I've been to in a long while. Steve is a great person and he knows everything there is to know about Split. The staff is very friendly and fun and the hostel is chill and relaxing. Definitely worth a visit if you're in Split!

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