Antica Ragusa -

HorvátországAntica Ragusa


nincs információ

🕗 Nyitva tartás

3, Palmotićeva ulica, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Croatia
érintkezés telefon: +385 95 251 1970
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 42.641636, Longitude: 18.10847

hozzászólások 5

  • Rob Moulton

    Rob Moulton


    Ok. The place is incredibly conveniently located, the staff made big efforts to look after our interests. The hotel whilst comfortable enough is kind of run down. Peeling wallpaper, half the light globes dont work, wall sockets hang loose and a/c units need cleaning so they heat the rooms efficiently. We enjoyed our stay but we had higher expectations when we paid good $ online

  • Richard Pircher

    Richard Pircher


    Friendly. Clean. Simple

  • en

    Jamil Ahmed


    The location being in Old Town, very close to the Pile Gate (where your airport bus drops you) is the only good thing about this place. Inside, the room had a bad smell, the toilet seat was broken, the sink and shower wouldn't drain so as to cause a flood, the included breakfast was basic with stale cereal and some cold cuts, staff not very friendly... In short, our worse stay so far from all the countries visited!

  • Daniel Anderson

    Daniel Anderson


    Small B&B right off the main street and mere seconds from the Pile Gate of Dubrovnik's Old Town. With only 8 rooms it feels nice and quiet, with friendly staff. Rooms are small but functional and you couldn't be more central for all that Dubrovnik has to offer. Breakfast includes cereal, bread, meats and cheeses and there are omelettes available by request. The eating area is small so be prepared to get cosy if more than a few guests try to eat at the same time!

  • Nicola Timmins

    Nicola Timmins


    Decent hotel / bed & breakfast with air-conditioning, very centrally located inside the Pile Gate of Dubrovnik's Old Town. Breakfast is basic but with good options - bread, buns, cereal, muesli, cheese and various juices.

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