Hotel Croatia Cavtat -

HorvátországHotel Croatia Cavtat


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Frankopanska ulica, 20210, Cavtat, Općina Konavle, HR Croatia
érintkezés telefon: +385 20 300 300
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 42.578437, Longitude: 18.213722

hozzászólások 5

  • Cheryl Howland

    Cheryl Howland


    I would highly recommend this hotel, it has a great range of restaurants, breakfast was amazing with the best views ever! There is a (salt water) pool which didn't get much of the sun but the hotel has a cliff sun bathing terrace with steps into it's own private swimming bay to the back of the hotel and to the front a short walk away it has a harbour front restaurant/ bathing/watersport venue. The hotel is on a cliff so the walk up and down can be a bit arduous for some but they do provide a buggy relay service.

  • Indu Smith

    Indu Smith


    Service good. Breakfast good. Even a separate Gluten free table which my friend said had lovely cake on it. Would be nice to have a dairy free table too. Room nice but a few things needed fixing (ie, couple of light bulbs, bathroom hook). But overall very pleasant stay.

  • Matias Cikato

    Matias Cikato


    The hotel infrastructure is nice, very well kept. Rooms are big and comfortable. The pools are very nice too. It has an access to the sea. The service was not great. They didn't have irons available so I had to pay to have my shirts iron. The housekeeping was not good, they didn't through any paper, bag, bottle etc, they only made the beds and change towels.

  • Vahid A

    Vahid A


    Stayed a week in October. A very good, stress free stay. Has an indoor and outdoor pool both very clean and two beach areas one in particular very secluded. Hotel is immaculately clean and is kept clean. Staff do know customer service and tend when needed and disappear when not. Rooms are clean, comfortable and functional. Food is OK. One of the nights was much better but rest of the nights were ok thus deduction of a star. I think a better head chef is required as ingredients are there. If I could I would have given 4.5 but between 4 and 5 it is a regretful 4. I deducted a star for shambolic last night dinner. A corporate event took the main hall and the other hall could not cope with the numbers thus huge queues built up (picture is half of queue.)

  • Andrew Procter

    Andrew Procter


    Great views and location. Decent hotel but the prices for D, B+B are the same as for much better all inclusive resorts in Turkey. Good base for visiting Dubrovnik but the facilities are no use for a lazing about holiday.

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