Hotel Bellevue Dubrovnik -

HorvátországHotel Bellevue Dubrovnik


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🕗 Nyitva tartás

7, Ulica Pera Čingrije, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Chorwacja
érintkezés telefon: +385 20 300 300
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 42.646602, Longitude: 18.0921

hozzászólások 5

  • Helen Harland

    Helen Harland


    Amazing hotel in an amazing city. They completely understand customer service. Will definitely return.

  • en

    Jessica M


    My husband and I have traveled to 4 continents and stayed in 4 to 5 star hotels along the way. I must say that this hotel is one of the best. The bed is one of the most comfortable. The service is impeccable, we were even upgraded to a suite upon arrival. The food is excellent and you continue to get surprises such as fresh fruit plates, chocolates, And bottled water throughout the day. We were especially surprised when we asked for take away coffee to bring to the room and received a fresh pot along with milk. The view cannot be beat and it's a short walk to old town. I encourage you to stay here.

  • en

    Keith From Chute


    Had a long weekend at the Bellevue. I would recommend a room with a balcony and sea view (which was stunning). The staff were, without exception, curtious and helpful and the hotel was very well presented. Be aware that the walk to Dubrovnik old town takes about 20 minutes and the pavements are very narrow in places and the road is quite busy. I would definitely stay there again.

  • Bjorn Buijing

    Bjorn Buijing


    Very nice hotel. Rooms are roomy and clean. Staff has been, without any exceptions, friendly and more importantly very helpful. The hotel has a nice beach which is provably the best place to swim around. The walk to old Dubrovnik takes about 10 minutes and had some nice views. Breakfast is good too and the restaurant, although a tad pricey, is a culinary delights.

  • en

    Nick Hills


    I can't recommend this hotel enough. It's a 5 minute walk to the old town, downhill and a great place in it's own right! The service is exemplary with staff who REALLY seem to care. You enter the reception and find you go down to the rooms as it's built on a Cliffside. This means the best views from a lift I've ever seen. This leads to your private beach! The room was immaculate with the sound of the sea lapping outside. You might have guest, we LUVED it😎

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